Written by: Anna Valenzano, Alessia Scarinci, Vincenzo Monda, Francesco Sessa, Antonietta Messina, Marcellino Monda, Francesca Precenzano, Maria Pina Mollica, Marco Cartenuto, Giovanni Messina, Giuseppe Cibelli * Medicina, 2020 The findings in a nutshell The authors examine the relationship between COVID-19
Written by: Richard C. Becker * Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2020 The findings in a nutshell The author’s view is that the COVID-19 virus causes a variety of health impacts on organs, causing long-term health implications for different parts
Written by: Maxime Taquet, Sierra Luciano, John R Geddes, Paul J Harrison * Lancet Psychiatry, 2020 The findings in a nutshell This paper provides an analysis of a large dataset to determine whether being diagnosed with COVID-19 has a relationship